If you are here, then hopefully you hopped on over here from the wonderfully talented
Tammy Hobbs! Isn't her card just darling?
But.....before getting started with today's blog hop card, I would like to take a moment to say
I Remember Edward Raymond Vanacore.
In 2006, I participated in a tribute to the victims of 9/11 along with 2995 other bloggers. We each had a person to remember and mine was Edward. I didn't know him personally but each year I will always remember him (and his family) along with the others that died that day. If you are so inclined, take a moment and click the link and remember Edward with me.
Now - on with the yumminess that is today's blog hop theme.....I don't know about you....but after looking at some of these goodies, I am awfully glad its just eye candy otherwise my diet would be totally blown out of the water and I would be in a total sugar coma LOL!
So no more waiting, drumroll please.........tada! My submission for today's hop!

Now for a little closer look....

I had so much fun creating this card. All the yummy goodness to choose from...THAT was the hard part! Yes, Its PINK....yes, its full of BLING (didn't we learn anything from the last hop? I am a pink and bling kinda girl..hehe)
Stamps used in creating this card: PF08 Mini Sweet Treats (yep just one set) and of course the card stock and background paper is from DeNami as well.....
Now don't forget.....leave a comment (we all need a little blogger love every now and then right?) to be eligible for the prizes- and such wonderful prizes they are too! Soooo...leave a comment - maybe win a prize. Its sort of a no brainer!
Haven't had enough yet? Can't wait for more? Then you, my friend are in luck because your next stop on the hop is with my fellow addict, my enabler, my "twinkie", my friend (those two little chickies on the top of the blog - yeah that's us!)....
Tina Milbourn!! and let me tell ya - she has some total eye candy in store for you today!
AND AND AND Be sure to come back on Wednesday of this week for some YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY Blog Candy and a Denami Give Away you won't want to miss......(really you don't wanna miss this one....)
Now if you get lost along the way - you can always head back to the
Denami Blog to get back on track!
Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think....good or bad....or even better - what would you have done differently??...crafty minds wanna know!